8 research outputs found

    Las necesidades de información y formación : perspectivas socio-psicológica e informacional

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    Aimed at analyzing the psychological and social mechanisms that generate the so called information and formation needs, the categories "Activity" and "Communication" are analyzed as they are used in psychological sciences, as a conceptual system substratum related to needs, as well as the starting points to deduce the main determining of needs and existing needs. The treatment of this conceptual system in informational sciences is also presented. The main models, approaches and methods applied in researches for users and their needs are also exposed

    Las necesidades de información y formación : perspectivas socio-psicológica e informacional

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    Aimed at analyzing the psychological and social mechanisms that generate the so called information and formation needs, the categories "Activity" and "Communication" are analyzed as they are used in psychological sciences, as a conceptual system substratum related to needs, as well as the starting points to deduce the main determining of needs and existing needs. The treatment of this conceptual system in informational sciences is also presented. The main models, approaches and methods applied in researches for users and their needs are also exposed

    Inteligencia emocional en las entidades de información ¿Cómo encauzar los afectos en bien de la organización?

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    Emotional intelligence is used as term for the complex capacity integrated by a system of attitudes and abilities (for exemple perception of control, to contact with other people, etc.) and the individual conduct, mental reactions, states, kinds of communication, etc. These factors affect the success, as well as the personal and social satisfaction of the employees in an organization

    AMIGA : una metodología integral para la determinación y la satisfacción dinámica de las necesidades de formación e información en las organizaciones y comunidades

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    Starting from 9 basic process: organization and environment diagnosis, identification and registration of internal and external potential users/clients, determination of segments and potential users/clients groups according their needs and availabilities, establishment of priorities among groups for learning management, definition of differential politics of offer, determination of learning needs (availabilities), systematization of learning management technology and quality and usefulness assessment of these process a methodology had been created aimed at identifying in a dinamic and lasting fashion the formation and information needs in the main analysis level of community and organization. This methodology paves the way to the variable choice, information sources and also data obtain techiques. The methodology responds to a theorical methodological approach or a conceptual system of social-psychological ground and also fulfill the contemporary requirements of systematization and permanent internal auditorship as well as the national policies regarding the improvement of information systems, knowledge management introduction and enterprise improvement

    Propuesta de clasificación de las herramientas - software para la gestión del conocimiento

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    It is proposed a non-detailed classification model of tool-software that should conform the digital nervous system that will allow an easier development of the actions and operations that methodologically integrate the knowledge management, the organizational learning, or the intellectual capital in the organizations. For every type of tool, it is offered an explanation about its function within the knowledge management system, the logics of its internal operations as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The proposed classification system and its internal logics are based on a previous theoretical definition of the concepts and processes that are objects of automatization with the peculiarity that the definitions refer to their possible technological support. The relation and delimitation among knowledge management, information management (contents) and technological management (software engineering) are clearly explained. The present paper is the first of a triad that will lead to the creation of a portal for the on-line consultation of a tool-software catalogue aimed at facilitating the decision-making in the context of technological management

    Guía metodológica para el estudio de las necesidades de formación e información de los usuarios o lectores

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    On the base of a flow chart, the essential steps for the establishment and operation of a subsystem of information for the users (clients, consumers, readers and others) or of a market for informative products or services, within a information organization are presented. These steps include: the establishment or improvement of a total control of users, its categorización or segmentation and hierarchial structuring; the study of necessities of formation and information of individual or group users, its systematic update and its reflection in formats that allow to use the exit of that subsystem in which they depend on the same one and to revert the result of those processes in the own study of necessities. The importance of this subsystem is explained, to the light of the present tendencies in the intelligence activity and librarian in the world, that an emphasis in the functions determines educative and communicative, of impact and influences of the organizations of information in its surroundings. The guide appears in general form, so that it can be adaptated to diverse conditions

    Determinación de los usuarios potenciales del Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas

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    The number of potential users of the National Center of Information on Medical Sciences was identified, segmented and arranged hierarchically according to the mission and strategic objectives of the National Health System. The high complexity and volume of the users required the characterization of the different entities of the center and of the services they render, as well as the description of the entities and groups that are part of the structrure of the user?s setting. The "methodology for studying the needs of training and information? that is studied in the careers of Library Science and Information Science at Havana University, was followed. The procedure used to make the "register of potential users?, its division into categories or segments, its arrangement by levels of priority, as well as the documentary and non-documentary sources utilized were presented

    El UNICEF en Cuba : necesidades de información y política de servicios

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    This papers is a synthesis of a research conducted to determine and register with precision the universe of potential users from the Documentation Center of the UNICEF’s office in Cuba with an adequate segmentation of its real groups and service priorities (differential services policy), and to methodologically design the investigation of the specific information nedds of each priority segment, according to the resources available to this purspose. Every variable, source, technique or instrument, every segmentation or priority criterion is carefully based on research so that the methodology may be applied, step by step, to another information entity, and to take it as a basis together with the "Metodological guide for the study of needs" by Israel Nuñez. The paper is included, as a particular case, in a series of investigations made within the Communication Management area among the users and customers of the information entities and systems. The conclusions may be applied to the case of the information entities of the national offices of international bodies or organizations. This specific case of the UNICEF is considered of great importance. Its present projection is also described in this analysis